Travel Skincare


Simplifying my skincare products and routine has been something that I have been wanting to do for ages. I wouldn't say that I have a TON of products, but I definitely have a fair few. My desire to reduce my amount of products comes from my interest in slow living. To me, an important aspect of slow living is to limit the amount of choices that I have to make during the day. While I am travelling this month, I am putting myself to the test. I am only bringing 4 skincare products with me - I hope that these items will be sufficient enough to eliminate my plethora of other products all together once I return home.

One way that Jason and I embrace slow living in this sense, is shopping at a small, local grocery store. There is plenty of produce, but the "non-perishable" food options are much more limited. Not only does this invite us to make healthier choices, but overall, we have less products to chose from, and thus less choices to make. I recently went into Superstore with my sister and was so overwhelmed with the size of the place and amount of choices. Simplifying my life and my choices has allowed for a much healthier state of mind and slow approach to living. I find myself more inclined to use all of my items to their full potential, whether that be using veggie scraps in soups and stocks, or treating my clothing with extra care to extend its life. 

This week I am off to Scotland with a reduced fleet of skincare. My hope is that I will create a new routine using fewer products, limiting my choices. When I return home I am planning to stick to these products that I am travelling with, and recycle or retire those I left behind.

I am taking four skincare products with me to Scotland, and I hope to reduce my regular routine to these four items.

Firstly I use a Niacianamide and Zinc serum, made to help with acne. Once my skin is clean, I apply a small amount to my face, concentrated to the T-zone, and my chin. After that I apply a few small drops of Rose-hip oil - I rub it in all over my face and through my eyebrows. Once that has settled in a little bit, I go in with the Buffet serum mixture from the Ordinary. I originally purchased this for travel when I knew I wouldn't be carrying all of my skincare. It has worked really well for me, though, so I have decided to use it everyday in place of the enormous line up I used to use. Lastly, I apply the Kate Somerville Goats milk moisturizer to my face! I use one pump of it, and rub it all over. This product doesn't have much of a scent, which I like. 

I always exfoliate before applying these products to ensure that my face is smooth and super duper clean. If I am going to apply a mask, I will do it immediately after exfoliating. After the mask is washed off, I will then go ahead with this same skincare routine - possibly eliminating the rose-hip oil if the mask was intended for hydration.


Thanks for reading,

Madison xx


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