Juicy Pork Chops

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One of the biggest struggles I have when making pork chops for dinner is that they always turn out dry! Jason and I always joke around that there is nothing worse than a dry pork chop, and though we are usually joking around - its so true!! I have been turned off of pork chops because they are often really dry and overcooked. Recently, I have made it my mission to find a way to prepare a juicy pork chop! Pork chops are pretty inexpensive at the grocery store, so, if cooked well, they are a great option for family meals on a budget!

These pork chops are sooo incredibly juicy, flavorful, and so easy to make! I could go on for ever about how happy I am about this recipe, but for now I will get right in to it!

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4 Pork Chops

Salt & Pepper

Olive Oil

1 Onion, Diced

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1 cup Water (or chicken stock)

1 can of Whole, or Stewed Tomatoes

1 Tbsp of Basil Pesto

1 cup of Wilted Spinach

Grated Parmigiano Reggiano to taste


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In an oven safe skillet, heat two tbsp of olive oil on high - while it is heating, turn the oven to 400. Lightly season the pork chops with salt and pepper, and then quickly cook them in the pan for around 3 minutes each side. You are looking for a nice crispy exterior - the inside does not have to be fully cooked. Once the pork chops are seared, remove them from the pan and set them aside for later.

At this point, the pan should have lots of brown from the pork - be sure to utilize this for the sauce. If needed, you can add a bit of olive oil to the pan, and then add the onions into the pan. Let them cook for a few minutes and then add a splash of water to loosen up the brown bits on the pan. This releases all of that delicious flavor that makes this sauce so yummy! At this point, add in the garlic powder and let it absorb into the onion and water sauce. Once the splash of water simmers down and you are left with a brown onion slurry, add the rest of the water and allow it to reduce for about 5 minutes.

Now add in the canned tomatoes and mash them down into the sauce. I like to use whole tomatoes, but it is important to smash them so that the sauce isn't too chunky. The sauce will seem quite thin at this point, so allow it to come to a simmer and reduce it for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes is up, add in the pesto and the spinach. Stir it in until everything is combined, and then bury the pork chops in the sauce with their juices from resting. Cook them in the sauce for approximately 10-15 minutes - don't be afraid to check them to see if they are done, avoid overcooking them at all costs - trust me! 

Once the pork chops have finished cooking on the stove, sprinkle the parmegiano reggiano over the top and then pop it into the oven! The goal here is to brown and melt the cheese - this should take around 5-8 minutes, and then it is done!! Take it out of the oven and dig in! 

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Thanks so much for reading, and enjoy your juicy pork chops!

Be sure to come back for more recipes and other exciting content.


Madison xx



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