Glamis Castle | what to see in Scotland

There are so many castles in Scotland, people often think of Scotland as the castle capital of the world! Some are in ruins, some are restored, and others, like Glamis, have been maintained over the years. Glamis is my favorite castle because it is in the area which my family is from, and it is extremely beautiful! There are the most wonderful gardens, several of them, which are home to many different types of pretty plants. There is a lovely forest surrounding the castle grounds with the cutest little creek running through, and there are also many nice animals that live on the property! A visit to Glamis castle is like taking a step back in time.

Unfortunately, there is a strict no photo policy inside the castle, but believe me, it is totally worth it to see all of the wonderful rooms and decorations that they have inside. Each room is in a similar state to how it would have been during the castles prime, and it really does feel like you are walking through someones home. All of the furniture remains, as well as some impressive decor pieces and beautiful paintings. 

There are many tours throughout the day which lead you through the castle and give you exciting information about the history of the castle and its inhabitants. Glamis castle is extremely interesting and has a detailed history which is entertaining to learn about! Their website is linked 


 so you can get a better feel for the tours they do, as well as a sneak peek of some images of the interior of the castle! 

This is the famous view of Glamis Castle - its rich red tone against the vibrant green grass. When I was much younger, around 12 years old, we visited Glamis Castle to attend the Highland Games. I remember it being the most wonderful event in such an enchanting setting! I'm not sure if they host highland games here anymore, but if they do, I highly recommend visiting the castle then, as it is so nice to experience the castle grounds when they are buzzing with local culture and traditions.

There are several different gardens on the Castle grounds which are accompanied by and connected with different 'walks'. There is the Italian Garden Walk, the Nature Trail Walk, the Pinetum Walk, and the River Dean Walk. The gardens showcase different types of plants and different styles of architecture and design demonstrating the different styles and fashions in history.

(Italian Garden)

(Italian Garden)

(Italian Garden)

(Italian Garden)

(Italian Garden)

(Italian Garden)

(River Dean)

(Bridge on the River Dean Walk)

(Walled Garden)

(Walled Garden)

(Walled Garden)

(Walled Garden)

(Walled Garden)

(Walled Garden)

The Italian Garden is a place to showcase the impressive landscaping which compliments the historic fashion of the time. There are sculpted hedges, exotic plants, and other beautiful features like fountains, and statues. 

The Walled Garden is a place where many fruits and other food would have been grown to feed the inhabitants of the Castle. This garden is extremely beautiful, enclosed by a tall stone wall and several large gates. This garden is filled with beautiful flowering plants, a fountain, fruit trees, and the most beautiful greenhouse. 

Walking through the castle grounds are one of the best parts about visiting Glamis Castle. There are plenty of beautiful sights to see and the walking paths are well kept.  

Glamis Castle is a gem worthy of being explored!

Thanks so much for reading,

Madison xx


Bullet Journal | May 2017


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